Strategic Urban Regeneration

Strategic Urban Regeneration

One of our key areas of work is Urban Regeneration which is about a transformative process that asserts that everyone, particularly the marginalised groups and communities can develop opportunities and capabilities toward an inclusive place making.

To enhance civic leadership in urban regeneration FSP has created new forms of participatory urban governance through ‘place-based partnership working’ between agencies that supports community building and social renewal. Guided by its South Belfast Community Support Group, and via its Economic Forum and Health Forum, FSP facilitates the development of the integrated Strategic Regeneration Plan for South Belfast.

Under the Community Planning framework, FSP working along with its partners has played an important role in identifying key priorities and mobilising support to articulate the South Belfast perspective on local development.


At FSP we see urban regeneration as a multi-faceted long-term process of community transformation and we do a lot to support urban regeneration directly, including:


  • As a connecting organisation, FSP works toward the implementation of the integrated Strategic Regeneration Plan for South Belfast and delivers a community-led social regeneration project – FSP sits on Shaftesbury Square Project Board.

  • Delivering neighbourhood-based services (e.g. Belvoir) and community development, community cohesion and community safety initiatives (including UV 3 areas, Holyland & WUA)

  • Providing access to a pool of skills and specialist support on which smaller organisations can draw as they need.  This shared resource will provide an economy of scale in levering skills into smaller, new or less resourced community groups thus protecting the diversity of the Third Sector in South Belfast.

At FSP urban regeneration is all about inclusive and transformative place making and a commitment to create opportunities for greater connectivity and sharing. In this vein, urban regeneration is essentially a good relation programme that strives for greater social cohesion and inclusion.

Community Conversations Series Concluding Report


Open Botanic: Sunday 24th September 2023 12pm to 3pm we showcased Botanic Avenue as a place fully accessible to pedestrians and cyclists with a family-friendly range of fun activities, community engagement projects & a celebration of all the people & communities in the area. Look out for 2024 event coming soon in September.