Emily Keenan

Emily Brown

Emily is a Registered Nutritionist in Public Health and has been working in nutrition and public health for the last 3 years. Emily has master’s degree in Obesity and Weight Management and her previous work includes weight management, community health promotion, regional food in school’s nutrition and physical activity. Emily joined Forward South Partnership as the Community Health Capacity Officer in June 2019. 

Health Development

Forward South Partnership is funded by the Public Health Agency to deliver a range of health and wellbeing initiatives across South Belfast. This includes coordination of the South Belfast Health Forum and Drugs & Alcohol and Mental Health Subgroups; as well as a leading role in the Dementia Friendly South Belfast initiative. The Partnership also works with five other PHA funded organisations to deliver the South Belfast Development Fund programme which includes annual events promoting healthy lifestyles for children and older people. In Belvoir, our Community Health Capacity Worker delivers a range of health programmes in the local area with a focus on supporting the development of Belvoir Community Hub. The Partnership also plays a role in delivering the South Belfast Community Response Plan to suicide.